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Two of our employees at NA‑KD
Working at NA‑KD
Sustainability is more than how our business affects the outside world. Our own office needs to be a physically and mentally healthy workplace for all employees, where risks of occupational injuries and work-related ill health are prevented, and where there is compliance with the appropriate laws and regulations in the field of health and safety. This is of course outlined in our work environment policy, which you can find here.
Equality for all
For us it is a given that we are all entitled to equal rights. This applies to how we serve our customers, how we work with our supply chain, as well as for the treatment of all employees at NA‑KD. We do not accept discrimination, victimization or harassment in any form. Not now. Not ever.
Employee satisfaction
Becoming one’s best is an ongoing commitment. We make sure all employees can share their views on a broad range of subjects, discussing what we are doing right and where we can continue to improve. We have a very high participation rate and even given these tough (Corona) times Our overall satisfaction is at an all-time high!
Feedback on a schedule
We use the Winningtemp platform to make sure everyone is getting heard. Each week, all employees anonymously answer a few questions. The feedback is compiled into an overview showing the current “temperature” at NA‑KD, and discussed in each team.
Anonymous concerns
We want our employees to speak up if something is troubling them. By talking to their manager, their manager’s manager or HR. But depending on the situation, that's not always easy to do. That's why we have a completely anonymous way for employees to raise concerns about the work environment through winningtemp. All issues can be directed to our HR department, and the employee only needs to come forward if they feel comfortable in doing so.
We also have a whistleblower tool where employees, or anyone else, can report on violations of our Code of Conduct.
code of conduct
Code of Conduct
At NA‑KD, we encourage and empower our staff to take initiatives, make decisions and drive our business forward. How we act as individuals, representing the NA‑KD brand, is paramount. The Code of Conduct is a policy for anyone working for, or on behalf of, NA‑KD. It outlines what is expected and acceptable behavior – and what is not.
Diversity at the office
Updated - 31/12/2021
Environment at the office
The choices we do on a daily basis can make a big difference in the long term. At NA‑KD, we have set up principles and systems to lessen the environmental impact from our day-to-day operations. You can read about it in our
Environmental Policy here.
Single Use Plastic Free Office
Our office spaces are as free as possible from single use plastics. The kitchens are fully equipped with plates, bowls, cutlery, coffee mugs and glasses. Additionally, employees are provided with water bottles to reduce the use of single use water bottles.
Waste Management
During 2020 we have introduced a waste management system at our offices. This enables employees to recycle plastics, food waste, cans and other waste in an efficient manner.
Paper Use
Our goal is to transition to 100% recycled paper for in-house printing, and double-sided printing and copying is to be the default setting for company printers. Separate paper recycling bins are to be implemented into the office spaces, and scrap paper re-use is to be promoted for the use of taking notes.
Ecovadis & SAC BRM
In 2019 and 2020, NA‑KD rates as a Silver star in external rating company Ecovadis, above the average industry score.
We also use Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Business Retail Module (BRM) to continuously evaluate and improve all our sustainability work. Through the BRM, we receive feedback and improvement suggestions for our efforts, to keep full-speed ahead on our quest of creating a more sustainable fashion industry. You can read about our status in our Sustainability Report for 2021.
Girl in forest
Field of wheat
Read more about the work we did in 2021 here.

Sustainability Report 2020

Sustainability Report 2019

Read our Modern Slavery Statement here.
Collegues working and laughing
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Have a look at our career pages for open positions!
Woman in flowery dress
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